MA Strategic Fashion Marketing时尚战略营销硕士
An Honours degree at 2.1 or above in a related discipline. Applicants with a degree in another subject may be considered, depending on the strength of the application; OR equivalent qualifications.
7.0 with a minimum of 6.0 in reading, writing, listening and speaking 雅思 7.0 ,单项不低于 6.0
Term one
Fashion Business Strategy (20 credits)
Fashion Branding (20 credits)
Research Methods (20 credits)
Term two
International Marketing Strategies (20 credits)
Marketing Communications (20 credits)
Collaborative Unit (20 credits) -
Term three
Masters Project (60 credits)
ukec.net.cn/university-info?uniname=University-of-Southampton" target="_blank" style="color:#2894FF">南安普顿大学
MA Fashion Management时尚管理硕士
MA Fashion Management 提供了发展创意思维,营销和商业管理技能的机会,同时全面了解当今的时尚世界。您将从拥有丰富专业经验的学者以及从当前行业实践和问题带来不同观点的外部实践者那里学习。该课程提供了选择专业模块的机会,可帮助您实现职业目标,关于营销,创业或数字文化等话题。
The admissions policy for the MA Fashion Management is based on students having a good honours degree in a relevant subject (2.2 or above) or an equivalent standard in other qualifications approved by the University.
6.5 overall with a minimum of 6.0 in all components 雅思 6.5 ,各单项不少于 6.0
This is a one-year, full-time course. You’ll study a number of taught modules during the first two semesters; in semester three you’ll undertake independent study for your final project.
Fashion Management modules in semester one and two will introduce you to the core topics and practices involved in the strategic management of a fashion business. You’ll cover areas such as consumer behaviour, creative brand building and development, trend forecasting, supply chain management, product sourcing and development, integrated marketing communications, corporate social responsibility, sustainability and digital culture. In semester two you’ll consolidate your learning and be encouraged to think critically about fashion industry issues. Working in groups, you’ll examine case studies with a focus on topics such as sustainability and strategic brand growth, to apply your knowledge to real-world scenarios.
MSc International Fashion Marketing国际时尚营销硕士
国际时尚营销硕士课程是一项激动人心的创新课程,旨在为未来的全球时尚营销经理提供战略 营销, 零售 营销和 多渠道 营销技能 。本课程适合来自市场营销相关学术背景的学生,并为毕业生提供必要的营销管理技能,这对于快节奏的国际时尚界至关重要。该课程设计为专科硕士市场营销课程,旨在培养和加强专业领域的核心营销技能,包括: 战略 营销技巧和 数字 营销技能。
2.1 UK Honours degree or equivalent in marketing or a business related degree (dependant on modules), or an approved combination of educational qualifications and industrial experience.
7.0 overall with no subtest lower than 6.0 雅思 7 ,单项不低于 6.0
International Fashion Marketing MSc国际时尚营销硕士
A good quality honours degree or equivalent. Applications from candidates with relevant experience will be considered on an individual basis.
6.5 or equivalent. Pre-sessional English is available if required. 雅思 6.5