时间:2018-07-11 16:44:35
1.Media Industries MA
https://courses.leeds.ac.uk/f579/media-industries-ma官网要求"A bachelor degree with a 2:1 (hons) in a
social sciences or humanities subject. Relevant professional experience will
also be considered. Applications based on degrees in other subjects may be
considered on an individual basis by the programme leader. If you do not have a
degree in social sciences or humanities, we may request a personal statement
explaining why you should be offered a place on this course. We receive a high
number of applications and places on this course are limited. Please note,
meeting the entry requirements of this course does not guarantee an offer of a
place.",注意事项: 利兹这个媒体产业专业是卡人文社科背景的,学校官方有特别说明过关于这个专业申请人的专业背景要求:"非常看重申请者所学过的课程中是否有足够的理论、分析和研究类课程(critical,
theoretical, analytical),而且极不倾向于接收偏实践性的本科专业(如播音主持、电视编导、教育、翻译等),也不倾向于接收非人文学科的专业(如管理、广告、金融、经济、贸易、工程等).可以接收的本科背景包括但不限于:传媒、新闻、哲学、历史、法律、文学等.如果是语言专业的申请者,更希望申请者的课程重点在文学及研究,而不是语言技巧."另外这个专业是开设在利兹传媒传播学院下的,利兹传媒传播学院是严格卡list的,利兹有一个自己认可的list名单,不在名单内的院校学生几乎不考虑.
2.New Media MA
https://courses.leeds.ac.uk/a471/new-media-ma官网要求"A bachelor degree with 2:1 (hons) in the
following subjects: humanities, communications, media studies, new/digital
media, or other programmes incorporating elements of design and media
production. Relevant professional experience will also be considered. Some
experience of new media production is desirable.Applications based on degrees
in other subjects may be considered on an individual basis by the programme
leader. If you do not have a degree in social sciences or humanities, we may
request a personal statement explaining why you should be offered a place on
this course.We receive a high number of applications and places on this course
are limited. Please note, meeting the entry requirements of this course does
not guarantee an offer of a place."注意事项: 利兹新媒体专业对申请人的专业背景要求会更严格一些,针对这个专业学校的解读和前一个媒体产业专业一样——"非常看重申请者所学过的课程中是否有足够的理论、分析和研究类课程(critical,
theoretical, analytical),而且极不倾向于接收偏实践性的本科专业(如播音主持、电视编导、教育、翻译等),也不倾向于接收非人文学科的专业(如管理、广告、金融、经济、贸易、工程等).可以接收的本科背景包括但不限于:传媒、新闻、哲学、历史、法律、文学等.如果是语言专业的申请者,更希望申请者的课程重点在文学及研究,而不是语言技巧."另外这个专业也是开设在利兹传媒传播学院下的,利兹传媒传播学院是严格卡list的,利兹有一个自己认可的list名单,不在名单内的院校学生几乎不考虑.
3.Advertising and Marketing MA
https://courses.leeds.ac.uk/7002/advertising-and-marketing-ma官网要求"A bachelor degree with a 2:1 (hons) in any
subject.The course is most suitable for those who have a general business or
non-business background, but we welcome applications from those who have
previously studied marketing."注意事项: 这个专业不卡专业背景,接受任何专业的学生申请,但advertising and marketing这个专业是开在利兹商学院下的一个传媒和商科结合的专业,课程比较偏向marketing,而且利兹商学院卡list会比传媒传播学院更严格.
4.Corporate Communications, Marketing and Public
Relations MAhttps://courses.leeds.ac.uk/g921/corporate-communications-marketing-and-public-relations-ma"A
bachelor degree with a 2:1 (hons) in any subject."注意事项: 这个专业也不卡专业背景,接受任何专业的学生申请,但这个专业也是开在利兹商学院下的一个传媒和商科结合的专业,课程比较偏向marketing,同上,利兹商学院卡list会比传媒传播学院更严格.
以上4个专业就是利兹传媒学院和商学院下面相当热门的四个传媒相关专业,下面要讲到的两个专业既不是传媒学院的,也不是商学院的,所以相对来说申请就会容易很多很多——5.Culture Creativity and Entrepreneurship MA
bachelor degree with a 2:1 (hons).If you don’t have this qualification, we may consider your
application if you can demonstrate significant relevant industry
experience."注意事项: 这是开设在利兹表演学院下的一个文化创意专业,要求比前面提到的专业都要低,而且不卡list,我这边之前有独立学院、本专业高尔夫运动管理、均分85的学生拿到offer,也有网排500+均分85的学生拿到过offer,总之就是不卡list,也不怎么卡本科院校背景.
6.Society, Culture and Media MA
bachelor degree with a 2:1 (hons) in a social science or related
discipline."注意事项: 这是开设在利兹社会学院下的一个传媒专业,申请要求有社科背景,课程比较偏向于社会学,和前一个文创专业一样,比前面四个开在传媒传播学院和商学院的专业要好申很多,而且不卡list,我这边有网排300多均分77的学生拿到这个专业的offer,只con了75分.