时间:2020-04-22 16:33:08
Music and the arts have long come hand in hand with tradition and deep-rooted cultural habits. Before the time of recording, music was a way to commemorate historical and important events by bringing together all walks of life to celebrate as a community.
Britain has no shortage of traditional festivals, and it‘s often music that captures the very essence and that acts as the vehicle to pass this message down from generation to generation, keeping a tradition alive with song. To this day British people still celebrate many religious and traditional festivals, each one with their own special songs, music and dance. You can’t really have one without the other!
Let’s have a look at a few of our favourite festivals.
Nowadays, for most people, Easter revolves around the Easter bunny and chocolate eggs! However, for some, it’s a meaningful day which begins in church.
During the Easter service it is tradition to sing hymns of praise and worship which will commonly have themes surrounding the resurrection and death Jesus Christ. It is a time to welcome the new dawn, beautiful mornings, and enjoy the beginning of Spring and the return of the light.
When it comes to schools, each school will often hold an Easter concert in the chapel where all children, religious or not, will be encouraged to join in and learn the ancient, traditional hymns. Children with particular musical capabilities will even be invited to sing in the school choir during the festivities, where parents and teachers alike will be invited to attend.
▲ 奥多公学Oundle School举办的复活节音乐会
传统上,每年初夏的5月1日是传统庆祝五月节(May Day)的日子。庆祝活动包括莫里斯舞(一种传统的民间舞蹈,舞者的脚踝上系有铃铛)、五月皇后的加冕礼和绕着五月柱舞蹈!
May Day is traditionally celebrated at the start of Summer on the first day of May. May Day celebrations include Morris dancing (a traditional folk dance where dancers wear bells attached to their ankles), the crowning of a May Queen and dancing around a Maypole!
Primary schools will sometimes celebrate their own May day where children are taught how to dance around the Maypole, holding ribbons and dancing in opposite directions around a pole in a complicated choreographed sequence where the colourful ribbons will weave and intertwine in a wonderful, vibrant spectacle.
▲ 德威公学Dulwich College小学部举办庆祝5月节活动,老师教学生们跳莫里斯舞
▲ 孩子们绕着柱子跳舞
The Harvest Festival is an annual celebration which has taken place in Britain since pagan times (a long, long time ago).
The celebrations on this day in October traditionally include singing hymns, praying, and decorating churches and schools with baskets of fruit and food. Schools will hold a Harvest Festival assembly where children will sing beautiful songs of thanks and often children and parents will be asked to donate unwanted items or food from the garden. The children will then prepare bountiful baskets of food and goodies to deliver to the older or less well-off people in the community to bring a little joy to their day.
This is a great way to engage students with the local community and teach the importance of community spirit and selfless giving.
▲ 伊顿公学对口小学拉德格罗夫预备校Ludgrove School为丰收节准备了一个70公斤的巨型南瓜
▲ 奥克汉中学Oakham School每年都会举办丰收节派对,给老人们带去欢乐
Christmas, as it is all over the world, is celebrated with songs and music throughout the entire festivity season.
Schools will often hold Christmas concerts and nativity plays to encourage students to demonstrate their musical and theatrical abilities. Children will spend hours reciting their lines and practicing songs, ready for the big day!
▲ 七橡树中学Sevenoaks School举办的圣诞音乐会
▲ “赫敏”母校海丁顿学校Headington School圣诞节演出戏剧《圣诞颂歌(A Christmas Carol)》
Rich in tradition and festivities, British schools will very often incorporate these customs into the annual calendar, encouraging children to connect with British culture and gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for its history. Most of all, it gives students something special to look forward to all year round!
Alongside the festive celebrations, students are able to take part in a rich and diverse range of activities. Schools will often offer more instrument classes than you can name! From piano and guitar to, perhaps the more unusual, harp and the bassoon. Students will be able to take part in countless concerts and plays, orchestras and bands. They will complete in exciting competitions and even win awards!
Exceeding isn’t just about how well you do with your ABCs and 123s, it’s how you can make the most of the opportunities that life throws at you.